Hi there!

My name is Gothy! Or Madi, or Simp, or...anything else someone comes up with lmfao.

My pronouns are he/him.

I've got several hobbies-many of which are art related. I draw, both digital and traditional, I've also been trying a bit of knitting/crocheting, but I won't state how well that's going lmao. I also write, and am working on a few books! That, and a few fanfics on AO3.

I'm autistic, genderfluid, pansexual, and a Hellenic Pagan. Probably pther things to but I haven't figured them out yet.

There's also several fandoms I'm in, and when I say several, I do mean a lot. Some include: The Last Of Us, zombie/horror movies in general, Baldur's Gate III, Minecraft, Sanrio/Hello Kitty, Ghost (the band), Furries, Alien (the movie series, AvP and other Predator movies included), DnD, Undertale, and probably other things I forgot to list.